Adventure Lake Resort, Strada Imaşului, Baia Mare, România
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Whether it's families with children, couples or groups of friends, Adventure Lake Resort awaits you with activities and experiences customized according to your wishes and physical condition.
Whether you want to explore nature and surroundings on foot or on an E-Bike (electrically assisted bicycle), conquer a mountain peak or spend the day paddling in a Kayak or Paddleboard, we've got you covered need to actively relax and recharge your batteries.
We offer you 12 places to stay in a modern villa: two double rooms, a triple room and a Family Deluxe room that can accommodate up to 5 people.
The accommodation has a common living area (56 m2), equipped with everything you could imagine: fully equipped kitchenette, couch for relaxation, meeting/workshop area, Smart Qled 4K TVs, serving area table, table with 12 chairs and underfloor heating.
ID: TRAV40055