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Aztec Chalet, Strada Libertății, Întorsura Buzăului, România
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Our house with generous windows makes you feel closer to nature even on days when weather conditions urge us to stay warm. We wanted to create a welcoming space in which to spend quality time in the family or with friends, which is why Aztec Chalet is in harmony with feng shui laws.
Aztec Chalet is located in the middle of nature, close to the forest, so mornings, even on Mondays, can be perfect with a coffee drunk in the strong morning air, in a fairytale view.
The cabin has a maximum capacity of 8-10 people. There are two bedrooms with two double beds and the 6-seater loft with two double beds and a sofa bed, and the kitchen is fully fitted and equipped. The courtyard is the place from where you can admire the natural landscape and where you can relax with a barbecue or a glass of wine, by the fire, with your loved ones.
Just 1 min from the DN10 road and 40 min from Brasov , the chalet is very easily accessible and at the same time away from the city noise.
ID: TRAV39913