POTECARII, Oltenia de sub munte, Transalpina

POTECARII, Oltenia de sub munte, Transalpina

Potecarii, Novaci Transalpina, Novaci, Romania


Bogdan C.

Membru din Jul 2020


10 Oaspeți * 5 Camere * 5 Paturi * 3 Băi

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Casa noastra de oaspeti este o gospodarie traditionala romaneasca, in stilul neoromanesc, specifica zonei de Nord a Olteniei, construita de POTECARI, cei care pazeau odinioara granita cu Transilvania, parte a Imperiului austro-ungar.

Gospodaria se afla pe Drumul de sub munte, cel mai Nordic drum din Oltenia cu acces la Transalpina, cea mai inalta sosea din Romania si unul dintre cele mai inalte si pitoresti drumuri asfaltate din Europa denumit de altfel si Drumul Regelui pentru ca a fost reabilitat la initiativa regelui Carol al II lea, moment surprins cu entuziasm in tablourile expuse in casa de oaspeti.

La fel de pitoresti sunt insa si potecile care pornesc din fata casei si brazdeaza muntii Parang marcate ca trasee de bicicleta si trekking.

Traditiile sunt inca foarte vii aici iar oaspetii nostri pot intalni oameni MONUMENT, ciobani care inca practica transhumanta, mesteri populari printre care cioplitori in lemn, pictori si sculptori de icoane, tesatoare de covoare traditionale, dansatori si cantareti populari.

Si daca aleg momentul potrivit, oaspetii nostri pot lua parte la celebrarea acestor traditii Urcatul si coboratul oilor de la munte, Festivalul Tocanului.

Produsele pe care le oferim sunt alese cu grija de la producatori locali de traditie, specifice zonei, renumita branza de Novaci, vinurile din podgoriile solare de la poalele muntilor Parang, dulceturi, siropuri si conserve atent pregatite de catre gospodine, painea traditionala.

Oltenia de sub munte este o zona de o mare spiritualitate aici fiind concentrate importante centre monahale printre care Manastirea Lainici, Crasna, Icoana, Bistrita, Hurezi, Arnota.

In apropiere se afla numeroase pesteri, Pestera Muierii, Pestera Polovragi, trasee de via ferrata (Baia de Fier), Cheile Oltetului, Cheile Galbenului, statiunea Ranca, Parcul de Aventura Ranca aflat la intrarea in statiune iar pe timpul iernii in statiune se pot practica sporturi de iarna.


Locatia este formata din trei case distincte si diferite: casa mare – casa Novac (cu doua dormitoare cu pat matrimonial, pentru 4 persoane), mijlocie – casa Gruia ( doua camere cu pat matrimonial pentru 4 persoane) si casa mica – casa Hires (pentru doua persoane cu pat matrimonial), fiecare dotata cu baie proprie, un spatiu comun destul de generos pentru servit masa si odihna (sopru), o bucatarie complet utilata, o curte interioara si o poiana cu hamace si sezlonguri cu un view foarte relaxant. Avem pomi fructiferi si vita de vie din care oaspetii pot servi in voie.

Toate camerele sunt amenajate cu grija si mare dragoste cu piese de mobilier unicat, extrem de vechi, cu covoare de asemenea unicate, lucrate manual din lana organica vopsita cu pigmenti naturali de catre una dintre ultimele tesatoare din zona, astfel incat rugam oaspetii sa trateze aceste obiecte cu aceeasi dragoste si grija.

Facilitatile sunt: barbeque area, wi-free, uscatoare de par, masina spalat vase, bucatarie complet utilata, incalzire (sobe cu lemne si convectoare electrice), parcare gratuita, bike rental in apropiere (300m) iar pe timp de iarna putem oferi lectii de ski si snowboard la cerere (proprietarul fiind si instructor).

Putem oferi si cina care este pregatita cu drag de noi din produse locale alese cu grija.

ID: TRAV1023

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    ID: TRAV22569

Dupa tipul cazarii

Case Traditionale


Restaurant Restaurant
Bucatarie Bucatarie
Parcare gratuita Parcare gratuita
Parcare gratis in imprejurimi Parcare gratis in imprejurimi
Activitati in aer liber Activitati in aer liber
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Wi-fi gratuit Wi-fi gratuit
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Mic-dejun Mic-dejun
Gradina Gradina
Terasa Terasa
Balcon Balcon
Incalzire Incalzire
Vatra foc Vatra foc
Zona gratar Zona gratar
Remote work Remote work
Ajutor bagaje Ajutor bagaje
Cafenea Cafenea

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No smoking inside.
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Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
Parties or events are allowed only with the prior consent of the host.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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12:00 PM
Politica cazării
Nu se fumează în interior.
Animale de companie
Din păcate, chiar dacă le iubim, animalele de companie nu sunt permise.
Sunt permise petreceri sau evenimente doar cu consimțământul prealabil al gazdei.
Copiii de orice vârstă sunt bineveniți.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Politica de Anulare

Plată 100% în avans.


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Bazat pe 14 reviews
Very Good
Malvina nicu
Authentic place, in very good shape
Malvina nicu
We saw Potecarii and decided thatșs the place to spend winter holidays with some friends; it proved and excellent choice. The houses are really cute, the old furniture is well restored, but donșt worry about the beds: these are new, as are all appliances, including those in the kitchen. Since the houses were not really designed for tourism, some areas may seem a bit small, but to me this contributes to the authentic feeling. For instance, having more than eight persons around the kitchen table may feel a bit tight, but on the other hand it brings a family feeling to dinner. We were sleeping in Casa Gruia and spent most of the time in the the bigger Casa Novac, so canșt really tell a lot about the small Casa Hires. All fireplaces were working well and our room was quickly heated - we soon learned how to keep a constant temperature despite having very little experience before our arrival. The Ranca ski resort is 30 min away and may be OK for beginners, but the experienced skiers should not be carried away. If winter sports are not your thing, the area offers a lot of from a cultural and natural standpoint within a radius of 30 km. All three units are in the same yard and, when the weather is nice(r), people may gather in the old shed which we did not fully use at the end of December. I believe itșs also possible to have dinner there, in summer. The back yard also promises to be a great place to stay and relax, itșs huge and seemed tempting even in winter. Food was great, with a few nice surprises for the younger members of the group and I believe everything was produced locally. Weșre already looking forward to coming back in the summer. Final words about the hosts: they are a really enjoyable couple and have two cute and smart kids. We felt welcome and almost spoiled, as they were very helpful throughout. It shows this is more than business, which is always a winning approach in hospitality.
O locație de vis pentru o escapadă în natură
O cazare foarte frumoasă, căsuțele tradiționale au fost amenajate cu multă atenție la detalii și cu respect pentru tradiție. Zona este foarte linistită si se pot face plimbări în natură. Gazdele ne-au primit cu brațele deschise, au fost foarte atenți cu noi, ne-au oferit recomandări pentru diferite activități în zona. Mâncarea pe care ne-au oferit-o a fost extrem de gustoasă, gătita cu produse bio. Recomand cazarea Potecarii pentru un sejur linistit și relaxant, departe de agitația din oraș.
Miruna Gabor
Peace, nature and beauty in simple things
Miruna Gabor
Even if you are from Romania, or you just started exploring this country, Potecarii is a place that you must add to your Romanian experience. And this is why... It is a traditional household in a small peaceful village, carefully restored and decorated respecting all it's history and authenticity. When you arrive here you will feel relaxed and connected with the house, it's surroundings and with nature itself. The large back garden is perfect for a morning walk, while the courtyard and the barn are perfect for a gathering with friends or family. Even though it's very old and traditional inside you will find all the modern comfort you need for your vacation. I would also recommend a short walk to the forest on the nearby hills to add more color to you trip. A real bonus to this experience are the hosts, a couple filled with passion and interesting stories about this place and it's surroundings. Don't hesitate in asking for recommendations from them because they will make your vacation even better. And finally let's not forget to mention the local food that the hosts provide during your stay which is absolutely delicious.
Stefan U.
A beautiful household for great vacation
Stefan U.
Potecarii is a traditional and cozy place to spend a few relaxing days in a traditional house from Oltenia region. This place is perfect to visit in any season because of the beautiful nature that sorrounds it. All the attention to details, restored furniture, traditionial objects, a rich library, comfortable beds and green gardens will make your stay wonderful and will fill you with positive energy. The hosts are very friendly and welcoming people. It was a pleasure meeting them and discovering their little peace of heaven.
iulia.hordoan iulia.hordoan
A truly unique place where you can live an authentic rural experience
iulia.hordoan iulia.hordoan
A truly unique place where you can live an authentic rural experience. The 3 houses are restored, and the pieces of furniture combine the modern with the specifics of the rural world, making you feel like you're on a visit to the museum. We also found a perfect place to relax in the backyard, where the owners have provided hammocks where you can unwind in the shade of the trees. The food was definitely a highlight. The space where we had dinner sends you back in time, and the incredients chosen for dinner and breakfast are bought from the locals. The hosts were very hospitable, they gave us a short history of the place, of the pieces of furniture and how they were restored. They also recommended us places to visit in the surroundings. I was pleasantly impressed by this accommodation where I would like to return in the future!
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Potecarii, Novaci Transalpina, Novaci, Romania
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