Liliana Gabriela Baumann ico-vefified-1

Membru din Nov 2019

Hi, I'm Liliana Gabriela Baumann

Lili, 1967, s-a născut în România, Alba Iulia, după un accident grav de masina a decis să își schimbe atitudinea pentru viata. A înlocuit viata din oraș cu cea in natura. În anul 2004 ajunge in Olanda unde lucrează cu femeile si copiii ca terapeut. In anul2012 se întoarce în țară și construiește Retreat Center in Calatele in mijlocul pădurii unde lucrează cu oamenii din zona ca terapeut pentru toate categoriile de vârstă.

Munții Apuseni - Călățele, Cluj
5.0/5 Excellent 3 Reviews
de la
€ 80

Reviews from guests

Mihaela Leguillier

Mihaela Leguillier

01/13/2025 03:18

A little piece of heaven

My wife and I spent a few days here and it was an amazing and relaxing experience! Being almost isolated from the rest of the world, surrounded by nature, really charges your batteries. It's the ideal place to reconnect to yourself and to your partner. The place is great, the house is cozy and it's a pleasure to have a view while cooking! As I said... a little piece of heaven and definitely not the last time we stayed there


01/13/2025 03:18

Intimate and cozy cabin in the woods

Casa Maria is a lovely cozy cabin in the middle of the woods. You will sleep in a big comfortable bed by looking at the starry sky! The hosts are very friendly and they even borrowed us their 2 cats. Itșs a must-do both during winter when everything is covered in snow and during summer when everything is green and blooming.
simonapaduretu simonapaduretu

simonapaduretu simonapaduretu

01/13/2025 03:18

A dream location in the middle of nature! We felt great and everything was superlative. Excellent location, exemplary cleanliness, friendly hosts, 3 new friends (host dogs), who kept us company during our stay :). Definitely to put it you bucket list.!
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Dobrogea & Black Sea

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