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Curtea de Muscel - Hub de Vara, Mușcel, Romania
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The history of the place, of the courtyard, began in 2004 when the village of Muscel appeared on the map of a Sunday trip to the high hills near Targoviste.
The road to the village, at that time discouraging from a car point of view but walked with ambition and curiosity, showed us a village nestled in a beautiful sub-mountain setting.
Of the approximately 20 households of Muscel, we managed to give a new life to one of them - nea Lazăr's house, “The Old one” - with its almost 100 years since the construction, because it is known that three generations have lived here.
The place tells stories of the old owner, how he fought with the bear, how he knew the purposes of life - and the storytellers are our neighbors.
Restored in 2006, with the preservation of stone masonry and beamed walls and replacing what the time ruined, the house received new clothes in 2019 and became more welcoming: music and book room, stove room, surprise kitchen, staircase toy to the attic-bedroom, bathroom, spaces that were just waiting to be reinvented.
Our courtyard is a gateway to the life of Muscel, a village away from traffic, in a setting carved from the drawings of little children, with houses and hills.
You can let yourself be drawn by your own children, or you can check if they counted the starts correctly, go to the sheepfold for fresh milk, cascavea, urda, take a trip to the spring, look at the Bucegi from the top of Muscel, give a hand at gathering hay, clean the gardens, pick plants, fruits and mushrooms.
A place for 4-6 people to enjoy. A large dormitory in the attic; 2 double beds and 2 singles.
Fresh cow's milk, cheese - smoked cheese, local sausages and free-range eggs from fox-escaped chickens, etc.
ID: TRAV1043
ID: TRAV23726