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Glamount, Farcașa, Romania
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Spend the night in a cozy tent with a spacious veranda and a courtyard just for you. Connect with nature, listen the sound of rain in bed, listen the silence. Enjoy the fresh air and the panoramic view over the valley from your own hot tube intimacy and tranquility in luxury and nature.
We offer to our guests a geodesic tent with an area of 38 square meters, with a fully equipped toilet, comfortable bedroom, a minibar with refrigerator and coffee maker, air conditioning and central heating. Key Facilities:
We are on the Bistrița Valley, between the Stânișoara mountains, 60 km from Tg. Neamț and 90 km from Piatra Neamț, in Farcașa, on the national road DN15B.
ID: TRAV1205
ID: TRAV38094