SCHUSTER BOARDING HOUSE, Strada Peneș Curcanul, Brașov, Romania
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A Hotel for Your Senses!
In our rush to achieve daily objectives we often forget to enjoy the things around us. Schuster Boarding House is our reminder to you. Savor the fine things we have prepared especially for you. You'll thank us. And yourself.
The house belonged to the Schuster family – a household of well-off Saxons from Brașov the crest of which presides over the gate at the building’s entrance. The owner of the house, an ex-banker by the name of Gabriel Schuster, contracted an architecture firm from Austria to draw its architectural plans. Later on, he employed a construction company from Budapest to effectively build it.
The building was erected in 1914 with an architecture specific to the Art Nouveau period – a style rarely encountered in the protected region. During the restoration and remodeling works, the original plans of the house were uncovered in a safe deposit box camouflaged behind the furniture.
The stone of the façade is the original one, fully cleansed via pressure sandblasting and subsequently waterproofed. Restored original paintings can be observed on the façade. The lighting is constant during nighttime in order to highlight its specific symbolism. Worldwide Art Nouveau buildings are especially lit at night. Our façade plasterwork is similar to that utilized during the beginning of the century, with the being identical to the original one.
The original shingle used on the building was produced in Austria starting with 1908 and was installed on our building’s roof in 1914. In order to preserve the original appearance and atmosphere, we ordered the same shingle from the Austrian producing factory. We also sent technicians to attend specialization training there, which helped them mount it on the house according to specific procedures of the time.
The roof soffit is manually restored and painted on hardwood bases. We managed to restore and keep the original windows, as well as the doors on the house ground floor, and a superb bow window, preserving the aristocratic note of buildings specific to the Art Nouveau period. Window frameworks are also recreated based on the original paintings.
A specific detail of this magnificent house is the Rooftop 360° terrace with a complete view over the Brașov Fortress. We invite you to become an important character in the story of our boarding house by closely uncovering its atmosphere and its fragrance with notes of elegance and sophistication.
Whatever the reason, leisure or corporate, you will always find the perfect version of what you're looking for in our hotel. Our elegant rooms, as well as the matching services provided by our personnel, from standard to custom, surpass the level of quality guests are usually accustomed to.
Property Services
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Extra Services
BUSINESS TRIP? HOLIDAY UNWINDING? WEEKEND SIGHTSEEING? JUST PASSING THROUGH? Brașov is beautiful in any season, and our hotel complements it perfectly and seamlessly. Book a sensory fiesta with Schuster Boarding House and enjoy a premium experience in a prime location! Overlooking the beautiful center of Brașov, our classy facility can be both the tranquil refuge and the experiential party house you were looking for.
ID: TRAV1171
ID: TRAV33703