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Str. Mare 34, Sitaru, Romania
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Welcome to an authentic Romanian inspired cottage very near to Bucharest!
Our house was built in 1960 and we have tried to re-invent it by preserving the national design in an original way. Origins were from neo-Romanian architecture style and we have tried to re-invent it to please the modern traveler but not loose ground on our very own traditional values.
The old barn was transformed into a place to enjoy meals. We have added a shade area, showers and toilets with traditional wood carpentry roofs and have re-built the old summer kitchen.
Late in the evening, as the forest is very close and it gets chilly, you have a fire pit to lay around. The garden in the back, which contains an orchard, reminds of old times, peace and quietness.
Right behind the property you will find a Natural Park (Sit Natura 2000) that you can explore by foot or bike. Be it woods or grassland, the unspoiled beauty and sheer number of flora and fauna species will delight the soul and the tired traveler (not far away to what you would find in the Danube Delta)...
Just chillax? Food can be ordered from a local pizzeria/restaurant or you can make yourself a nice barbeque if you want. Feel the need to experience Romanian an authentic place re-interpreted and close to Bucharest? Free to chill at Garden Sitaru!
Our house has a maximum capacity of 12 guests (8 on 4 normal beds + 2 on an extensible sofa + 2 on glamping tent).
ID: TRAV1073
ID: TRAV40170