Vatra Boierească (The Boyars' Home), Bucovina

Vatra Boierească (The Boyars' Home), Bucovina

Vatra Boiereasca, Cacica, Romania


Georgiana Pastrav Verified

Member Since Jul 2020

Max. Capacity

44 guests * 20 bedrooms * 20 beds * 17 bathrooms

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Your stay at Vatra Boierească starts at the moment when you leave the European road and you keep going towards the Saline Hill of Cacica (Bukovina), leaving behind any concern, any noise, any problem.

At the end of the road you will find a wonder land, exclusively dedicated to the 20 rooms of Vatra Boierească, to a carefully attended garden, to a pond pontoon and to a gazebo with a barbecue area, and also to a restaurant with fresh food and many other places and surprizes that you will always remember.

The Manor

In bygone days, in the middle of large villages, there was the manor, the dwelling of the boyars, great landowners. The same in our case, the manor is imposingly rising and watching over the other parts of Vatra Boierească, and also over the pastoral surroundings of the wooded area.

Thus, if you want to feel as people used to live in older days and enjoy the lordly comfort, you must rest for at least a few days in one of the 6 rooms or 2 apartments, situated on two floors, where you will also discover a large events hall, and also a kitchen equipped with everything that is necessary to a fine chef.

From the rooms windows you will be rewarded with a dream view over the woods that gloriously surrounds Vatra Boierească, and on the porch you will be able to sit on a swing and watch the pond and the traditional houses. The accommodation capacity of the manor is of 20 adults.

The Traditional Houses

Our location is indeed a special one, especially due to the three traditional houses brought all the way from Straja and Brodina, in order to enchant your sight and enjoy them, just as our ancestors once did.

Inside of them you will find the warm atmosphere of a simple life, a Bukovina authentic life, but with a modern hint for a maximum relaxation, such as electricity, heating, water and interior bathrooms.

Each house has 3 rooms with two twin beds, displayed on 2 floors (one on the ground floor and two in the attic), 2 bathrooms- one on each floor, and also a room where you can eat. In the room on the ground floor, the little ones can enjoy a relaxing sleep right on the stove.

The accommodation capacity of a house is of 4 adults and 2 children.


We have plenty of places where you can eat. In the restaurant of the manor (with a capacity up to 70 places and with the possibility to extend on the terrace), and in the houses, and also on the pond of Vatra Boierească.

Wherever you will want to taste our dishes, we can only say that the food is natural, the raw material coming from our own farm with animals near Suceava.

We even have a grocery store (called Băcănia Boierească) with traditional products smoked in our steak house. That is the place where we marinate, mature and season with mixes of natural spices, no E numbers and no harmful preservatives of additives. In the end we smoke them with cherry tree sawdust and beech wood smoke in our smoker.

We are offering you two types of accommodation, meaning with breakfast included or all inclusive (breakfast, lunch, diner, water and drinks of the house).

... about other benefits during your stay with us

  • intimacy ( Vatra Boierească is situated in a quiet area, near the woods);
  • pontoon on the pond with a gazebo where you have access to barbecue;
  • nearby we also have a sheepfold where you can provide yourselves with dairy products, or you can try the famous balmoș, a dish specific to the area;
  • if you visit us accompanied by children, well, they can enjoy fishing on the pond, or a ride in the wagon;
  • walking through the garden of Vatra Boierească or through the woods that surrounds it;
  • hot tub with salt water;
  • fire pit- where you can make a fire camp or spit goodies - it is organized only by order with at least one week in advance and it is chargeable.

... about what you can visit in the area

Either summer or winter, the surroundings of Vatra Boierească must be admired and visited. Once you get to us, you can take your backpack and start walking around Cacica, a place situated 28 km away from Suceava and 17 km from Gura Humorului.

In Cacica, the most visited tourist objective is the saline, more than 200 years old. If you dare and go down those 192 stairs you will reach a depth of 75m where you can find a perfect sports field for some exercise.

After that, in the centre of Cacica you can discover the “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” Roman-Catholic church basilica that was built more than 100 years ago by an important Polish community. The place is pretty crowded especially in August, when it is celebrated the patron saint of the church, when thousands of pilgrims gather to celebrate this day.

Near our Vatra Boierească there is a facility with pools and slides (there is even a pool with salted water, good for treatments). In Gura -Humorului, 20 km away, there is an adventure park, a place for our little guests... but nut only.

If you are visiting the Northern part of Moldavia, you can't miss the Princely Fortress of Suceava, the main residence of the rulers of Moldavia for more than 200 years. Recently renovated, the fortress has a stately aspect amplified by the medieval historic multimedia systems and the video projections with subjects related to the history of the fortress, an exhibition novelty in Romania.

And of course, if you reach the area, you must visit the monasteries of Bukovina, the nearest ones being the Monasteries of Humor, Voronet and Moldovita.

Therefore, if you want to “escape” the daily routine, to enjoy the nature and the fresh air, the fresh food, all these in a fairy tale setting, and also to visit Bukovina, come to us. No matter the season, we are certain that you will find something to do or visit!

We want every person visiting us to have an unique experience, to respect the order and beauty of the place, to take care of Vatra Boierească as if it was his own home. For this reason, we ask you that anything that is broken/ damaged/missing, to be reported at the check-out (especially that we want to offer the same beautiful experience to the next guests).

ID: TRAV1040

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    ID: TRAV22010

Rental type

Rustic Resorts
Traditional homes


Restaurant Restaurant
Wine cellar Wine cellar
Free parking Free parking
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Hot tub Hot tub
Children playground Children playground
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Balcony Balcony
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Barbeque area Barbeque area
Remote work Remote work
Reception Reception
Sauna Sauna
Luggage support Luggage support
Cafe Cafe
Bar Bar

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Check In
4:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 PM
Hotel Policies
Smoking is allowed only in the marked areas.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
Parties or events are allowed only with the prior consent of the host.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
4:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 PM
Hotel Policies
Smoking is allowed only in the marked areas.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
Parties or events are allowed only with the prior consent of the host.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy

100% payment in advance.


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Based on 8 reviews
Very Good
cami.moro cami.moro
cami.moro cami.moro
Obisnuim sa mergem foarte des in Bucovina, aproape in fiecare an petrecem una din vacante in zona, asa ca am stat in multe pensiuni si hoteluri dragute. Insa nimic nu se compara cu ceea ce am gasit aici. Locatia este superba, iar oamenii si serviciile oferite cu adevarat exceptionale. Mancarea gatita in mod traditional cu ingrediente proaspete provenite din ferma proprie este cu adevarat cea mai buna din zona. Incercati si nu veti regreta. Noi cu siguranta vom reveni cat de curand!
Carmen Kellett
Carmen Kellett
Am petrecut 4 zile minunate in aceasta locatie de vis! Totul a fost extraordinar... gazdele foarte implicate si atente la tot ... organizarea a fost perfecta... activitati deosebite... copiii au partcipat la o vanatoare de oua foarte dibace gandita de catre gazda noastra????...s-au plimbat cu o caruta trasa de doi cai frumosi????.... meniul a fost foarte variat ,toate produsele erau facute in casa.... painea era dumnezeiasca... servirea era ireprosabila... camerele foarte bine izolate fonic... Le felicit din toata inima pe gazdele noastre , Georgiana si Cosmin, doi oameni frumosi si incantatori, pt tot ceea ce au realizat si pt experienta minunata pe care ne-au oferit-o!????????Sa ne revedem sanatosi si cat mai curand!
RalucaNecula RalucaNecula
"Niste oameni deosebiti!"
RalucaNecula RalucaNecula
Niste oamnei deosebiti, primitori si cumsecade! Ne au facut deosebita placere sa i cunostem iar sederea a fost mai mult decat ne am asteptat!
Ana-Maria Magheru
Raiul pe pamant
Ana-Maria Magheru
Am cutreierat Bucovina in lung si-n lat si pot sa spun cu mana pe inima ca aici m-am simtit cel mai bine. Locatia este unica din punctul meu de vedere, cu acele casute stramutate, cocotate pe deal in interiorul carora accentul este pus pe detalii din folclorul romanesc. Bucatele sunt dumnezeiesti, traditionale- Poalele-n brau au facut senzatie si printre copii, dar mai ales printre noi, adultii, iar gazdele primitoare, au fost tot timpul la dispozitia noastra. Nu echivaleaza cu nimic momentele de duminica dimineata cand iti savurezi cafeaua pe prisma casei si auzi in vale cum bat clopotele bisericii! Este de vis! Vom reveni cu drag oricand vom avea ocazia!
Beatrice B
O oaza de liniste
Beatrice B
O locatie minunata. Am fost rasfatati cu bucate alese, naturale si foarte gustoase. Oamenii au fost atenti si serviabili, iar conditiile au fost mai mult decat decente (o combinatie armonioasa intre traditie si inovare). Calitate, rafinament si bun gust.
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Vatra Boiereasca, Cacica, Romania
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